Latymer school mumsnet

Latymer school mumsnet. If you look at the teams, they are overwhelmingly boys'. I would avoid QEB though, it kicks out 1/4 of boys before sixth form. Latymer Upper 11+. The schools know from looking at your entrance exam ability and other schools you have applied to what else your dc will be achieving. He has an interview with St Paul's (13+) next week. DD has 7+ offers from Highgate, SHHS and Latymer. We are also likely to get a place at Latymer (grammar school). It would be great to hear from the current parents whose DD/ DS are currently studying in HABS n Latymer and share their experience! Feb 24, 2014 · barbosska · 24/02/2014 23:31. tennissquare · 05/11/2023 17:38. Results day is here and I’m sure we will all value each others support, today and for the next stage of their journeys. It was the top co-ed school apart from the Perse School in Cambridge - which I think is absolutely brill. Nov 17, 2018 · My son has got through both the Latymer School and KEGS Chelmsford school after 11 plus exams. He is 'AS clever' (top of year and exceptional at maths/science/reading - poor imagination for creative writing). OP posts: Dec 19, 2020 · Pkaboo · 19/12/2020 22:12. Of course there are stellar girls. There's a lot of movement in the rankings in January when the OOC children are removed - DD1 went up about 200 places from 520 to 320. Please visit this page regularly, as we will update new information as and when it becomes available. Tiffin was grubby, graffiti'd, had fewer resources, no support for dyslexia, dyspraxia etc and the kids had a very different (more smug / agressive) attitude. The friend I'm closest to is happy with her DD's tutor (form teacher). Latymer Upper School will write to your child's current school for a reference. So Latymer prep is less than half the size of Highgate Junior. We looked at Tiffin Boys and the contrast with the fee paying schools like Latymer was enormous. @TheWitchCirce , there was a thread on this is September called Private school scrapping gcses, write their own exam. My friends whose dds are at Latymer love the school. Apparently, WCH is supposed to increase in size by 50%, and they are changing the test paper. Jun 27, 2023 · Leo2023 · 27/06/2023 15:11. Both are reasonably international as IB makes G&L a popular choice for those who may be considering tertiary education outside the UK, whilst co-ed seems more natural for some, especially Europeans. Just wondering if anyone in top 200, 300 or 400 or even 650, in catchment, and who will be choosing to Latymer. They are both great schools, but quite different. (She also has South Hampstead as an option. Where do you, or your DD, feel most at home. Which one? Youngest son is quirky, independent, head strong, creative, good at maths, loves science, interested in biology, bilingual, and struggles with English literacy. The competition for things like school plays etc is loads less because the at LUS the girls have to compete with the boys as well as the other girls. See all. Feb 27, 2022 · Latymer Upper, Godolphin and CLSG. You enter the school and stay till 18, that's the great thing if you are sold on Latymer Upper. Bookmark. Please help I really need you candid advice folks! My DD is lucky enough to get offered a place from LCSG, G&L and NHES. We live in the middle of both but G&L probably an extra 10 min journey on bus to Hammersmith station so door to door 40 mins, instead of 30 mins to WHS. We have heard (rumour) that the school can award top performers at 11+ a scholarship (not bursary) up to 100% fee reduction. They use the pool when they need it. May 6, 2012 · Has anyone successfully applied to HBS, Channing, SHHS or Latymer from a state school? 11 replies entranceanxiety · 06/05/2012 22:35 Apr 14, 2016 · Report. Dd is not phased by the journey but having to leave the house by at least 7:45 each day may wear her down. Our DD got into the Latymer school but due to DH's employment, we were unable to take it up and ended up going to the EU. We got stuck on a waitlist position at G&L but it’s our preferred school as we live close to it. sunshine7981 · 13/02/2021 10:41. Blessed to have received offers from both. I am grateful if someone could shed a light or share your experience Feb 22, 2023 · 11mum89 · 23/02/2023 12:20. Wycombe Abbey 130+ G. Eton 125+ B. Most openly say their bursary funds are limited, so as well as need they look at exam results and give to those with highest marks who are in need. As of the 30th November 2023, the deadline for submitting applications for entry to Year 12 in September 2024 has now closed. DD's headteacher at our very good state primary said they thought DD would do really well at Latymer. Feb 17, 2021 · Everyone I ask seems to always conclude with the thought “but Hampton is such a great school” and it’s hard to know whether people are saying this because they feel Latymer already speaks for itself and Hampton is the historically slightly less well-known/prestigious of the two so needs the mention, or if it’s because it really does Feb 17, 2021 · AnotherNewt · 17/02/2021 09:29. I seem to remember the web site suggests ways to prepare your child for the exam, which might help your DS. There may be some mental maths and/or problem solving situations. Latymer does English, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Maths for example. Paul’s Girls’ 130+ G. Latymer will only offer top 192 ranked candidates, but there are a lot of applicants who are out of catchment, and applicants who score highly at other schools and select another school as a higher preference. is a concern for anyone? Sep 27, 2021 · 1 2 3 4. St Paul’s of course has been through this before and is now paying compensation after tutors were found guilty. Has anyone compared the two options. Feb 15, 2018 · Bursary funding come from a specific fund, fundraised separately. Very competitive and gets upset if Oct 3, 2022 · APS and Fortismere results are nearly exactly the same. Sunday 13 October 2024 (10pm) Deadline for receipt of applications and Scholarship award applications (and any learning support documentation) Wednesday 11 November 2024. Not at latymer. Jan 14, 2012 · gobuddy · 17/01/2012 09:31. Music Scholars Open day. Please contact sixthformadmissions@latymer. Hello! My dear son got offers at 7+ from Latymer Prep, Highgate and UCS and we need to decide by the end of this week!! Need to look ahead to senior school and comparing those instead of only comparing the Prep. We are also deliberating between these two schools, finding the decision quite tricky as they are both great schools. It can be a bit of a "cool school". Mar 4, 2013 · FillyPutty · 04/03/2013 18:38. My daughter has been fortunate enough to be offered a place at Godolphin and we are now waiting for the results from Tiffin. Mar 7, 2021 · Here’s a rough idea of the CAT scores for a range of schools. I'm wondering , if my child went through the 1st part of exam. louisechapel · 14/02/2016 22:55. . Latymer has a brand new pool where they swim and play waterpolo. She has offers from CLSG, Latymer Upper , Godolphin & Latymer, SHHS, Francis Holland Regents Park. Hi, Dd is in year 5 and we would like to apply for a scholarship at Latymer Upper next year. Nov 5, 2023 · Report. Jan 10, 2024 · Greenleave · 12/01/2024 08:33. It's brilliant news and two weeks ago we would have been thrilled - but since then, he's also been offered Feb 15, 2020 · Godolphin & Latymer & WHS. Mar 1, 2019 · Utility - it’s true there are about ten more girls per year in G&L but there are more girls’ sports teams so the competition for sports places is slightly less. LU does not feel academically pressured in years 7 and 8. NL2016 · 09/02/2017 23:31. Thanks. Feb 1, 2023 · Latymer prep especially is harder to get in (in terms of academic attainment) for boys than girls for obvious reasons - much higher no. They like the mixed environment, they were all previously at a single sex prep school, they aren't 'boy crazy' just like having boys in the classroom too. Any insights please Feb 11, 2018 · Hello everybody. If it’s GCSE results that interest you, G&L was 98% A*-A (96% where the numerical grades applied) so little difference with SPGS, whereas PHS was 92% and this is an all time high for them. Mar 1, 2024 · Hello All, Which one would you choose please? 90% Bursary at LU vs Upton Court Grammer School. Latymer offer for us too - overjoyed and was ready to accept immediately but DS unexpectantly received the offer of Art & Sport scholarships at KGS so am totally torn between the two. choosingtherightschool · 27/09/2021 11:31. Feb 14, 2016 · London City school for girls, Godolphin & Latymer, Notting Hill Ealing school. Then there is further movement from March onwards. Mar 30, 2023 · 24 replies. LU is very similar in the league tables to Alleyns, the co-ed one of the Foundation schools. Hi everyone. Quote. Jun 25, 2016 · Does anyone know what time children need to be in school at the start of the day at Latymer School (the one in Edmonton)? trying to work out whether j Jan 8, 2019 · Toomuchpressure169 · 11/01/2019 11:30. Jan 17, 2016 · There will be 2 interviewers conducting the interview separately. We are thinking of moving to Southgate area which is in catchment of Latymer school. The school is not divulging much information at this stage. mary21 · 14/04/2016 16:49. Lots of people on the list won't have put Latymer first or will decide to go to independent schools instead. The fact that SPGS has half of the girls go to Oxbridge and the other half go to other top Univ plus the top of the chart results say it all about the school academic life. We are trying to decide between these schools (which we feel are all quite different). Hatch1009 · 19/05/2022 16:27. We are lucky to have had an 11+ offer for our DD from WHS and G&L and struggling to choose between the 2. We are thinking of applying to G&L next year as it seems to have excellent results . Depends where you live. sunshine7981 · 24/05/2021 17:51. My experience is of Godolphin rather than Latymer, but I agree with what has been said so far (although I don't know anything about the specific support at Latymer). Through the 7+ assessments, we learnt a lot about her ability and personality. Wealso live between PHS and G&L but there are more buses to Hammersmith than to Putney. Said the English was ok but the maths was off the scale tough. Would love to know personal feedbacks from all of you who know or have heard about the prep school. She is very good in Maths and likes to come on the top of her present regular independent school. OP posts: See next. 27th April 2023, 12pm-5pm: Open afternoon for current Year 5 students. Sep 3, 2023 · This is correct. We liked both schools and the commute is similar as we live in the Queens Park area. I thought I’d make a new thread as the countdown one is filling up. Jan 20, 2015 · Join our Primary Education forum to discuss starting school and helping your child get the most out of it. Jan 31, 2024 · Also in term of size Highgate Junior has 6 classes per year, while Latymer Prep only 2. Wondering what others have thought of the 11+ exam this week and of the application process so far? Also, if the ditching of GCSEs etc. Mar 2, 2013 · DS has got a place at Latymer in Edmonton. Latymer also has its own prep. We have attended the Latymer Upper offer holders evening and tour which were very good. It's becoming more and more diverse because of their bursary program, which is annually increasing. 11+ Open Days. APS has slightly more varied intake and more vocational offers at sixth form but it's got a much better reputation than fortismere. . All those schools will also have quite a few from state schools but usually tutoring is recommended from year 5. It seems to step up a bit after this though, but it's still fine. just learnt that DD got offers to both, very excited, but now need to choose, we live in west London, so G&L - 30 min commute /City - 45-60 min. Feb 2, 2024 · RobyG · 02/02/2024 05:52. Our friend's DD attends LU and they are considering leaving as there is little opportunity for true competitive girls' sports. Aug 25, 2016 · My eldest daughter will go to secondary school in September 2017. fridayschild · 25/04/2007 13:54. 9 replies. That’s a really good point and a different way to think about it. Our daughter got a place offered from both City of London School for Girls and Godolphin & Latymer. 80 replies. Mar 2, 2013 · I only know Latymer through its prep, and I do know that they recommend that certain of its students change at 11 to go to Westminster or Colet Court instead of continuing onto the Upper School(a very small number, but it still occurs) - according to the parents, it was because their child was very academically advanced, and would thrive at Nov 21, 2022 · Also if you get offered a hampton academic scholarship you will almost certainly have a grammar school place and a substantial scholarship offer from another school ie Latymer 100% or KGS 50%. He is not really into team sports, he is a gymnast, loves running - but not county level. 21 replies. Aug 17, 2023 · A levels 2023 - Results day and beyond. I like Latymer’s modern approach to well rounded kids, a great feeling of being challenged with a top academic results, but without unnecessary pressure. We are really impressed with St Albans. Hello, We are debating whether to apply to the Latymer school in Edmonton or go the route of UWC colleges. Our first choice is G&L, whereas our daughter was uninspired by her tours there and seems quite attracted to LU (very dynamic, but massive and we note that it doesn’t perform as Feb 22, 2013 · Sarajevo1995 · 23/02/2013 21:02. Sep 1, 2017 · Yes we have thankfully. 3 replies. Oct 24, 2021 · Fast forward to now and we are pretty much guaranteed a place at Latymer (grammar) if we put it first on our CAF. Oct 3, 2014 · Potential is different from current achievement. Although DD is a cheerful outgoing type who enjoys extra curricula activities like sport we are not well off (ie can just about scrape the fees!)and are a bit concerned about G&Ls posh reputation. Ashmole does much better academically than highlands. 1000 replies. Are there any parents that are or have been in a similar situation that can share some thoughts and experiences on both of these schools? Many thanks in advance! 😊. Sep 28, 2015 · Both now in Y9 and both were girls who couldn't really take the stress of the likes of G&L, LEH or Latymer (one has a big sister at Latymer and they didn't even sit this dd for that school). Hi we are seriously considering Latymer Grammar school for our child but I am a bit concerned about the travel to the school and reports of safety issues for kids travelling alone- but all dating back to 2009- no recent reviews. Our school collects an acceptance of place fee that at the end of their time at the school is either refunded or donated to the bursary fund. That narrows us down to Highgate vs. I looked at the commuting options from Southgate to Latymer school. As we still didn't get the invitation. Feb 16, 2020 · City of London School for Girls vs Godolphin & Latymer vs SHHS. uk if you have any questions. co. Feb 17, 2020 · Only 732 pupils in the whole country managed a “clean sweep” of ten or more A* grades, but there were 77 such pupils are North London Collegiate School, 59 at the Westminster School, and 39 at the Latymer Upper School. Latymer Upper, Radnor House, Emanuel, Ibstock Place. Attempted less than 2/3 of the paper. Aim off for the presence of girls being the thing that makes the difference to overall school performance - JAGS is always higher than Alleyns, which is always higher than Dulwich College. Able children will do well at either, which I think leads to a decision based on feel. My Ds is in year five and we are in the midst of choosing a few schools, ( we only want to sit 3) and I'm very excited about latymer upper but the sheer number of applicants is mind-blowing. From past experience, do all second stage interview students manage a waitlist position or do some get a Feb 14, 2024 · 2 replies. We were somewhat less impressed on the open day but Dec 14, 2011 · It is clear it was a boys school which a few years ago took in girls. We have just received a letter from Latymer Grammar School in Edmonton for her to sit the entrance exams. I’ve included some girls’ schools to give you an idea where the boys’ schools fit. Hi. May 9, 2023 · Dodgeitornot · 09/05/2023 21:08. Secondary education. Margot2017 · 27/02/2022 17:16. If you have no idea which senior school might be right and you are not sure what school might be best, I would stick with Bute to keep options open. Jan 3, 2018 · RKNK · 03/01/2018 23:02. While he does find the social/emotional world difficult, he is extremely outgoing and has a few good friends. Bute house has a reputation for prepping for St Paul's girls. Dec 8, 2023 · 1 2. We are planning to get our son join Latymer in the coming year (Sept 2019) session. DD is bright but not genius, studious, hard-working, academic type of girl. I personally really liked LCSG as it is a multicultural school. cappucinolondon · 14/02/2024 09:30. You have 4 'relevant' scores - the CAT score (only taken in some private/prep schools), the Atom score (which anyone who uses Atom can get), the actual 11+ exam score (which ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR ENTRY TO YEAR 7 COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 2024. To be successful in academic, the girls HAVE to study hard, its no question about it. The majority of dd’s state Feb 11, 2017 · LU has a quite urban, fast paced atmosphere. If your daughter ends up in a class with 6 or 7 girls, pray they get on well as 4 years with no movement is a long time. We have been offered a place at St Albans school for our son. It also makes overall results between the two schools difficult to compare. Feb 11, 2017 · This is beyond the obvious girls/co ed, and sixth form IB. Winchester 125+ B. My DD is above average intelligence but I have a slight concern that she will be lost amongst the super bright academic ones. Mar 13, 2021 · The Telegraph is carrying a horrible story about “Eton College, St Paul's School in Barnes and Latymer Upper School” having a culture of sexual assault. St. May 20, 2021 · Bookmark. We went to The Latymer School today and my daughter loved it. She was not selected for level 6 tests which was fine with us. Can anyone share why they have 1000 sit as compared to the other independents which is 500 odd. She is a bright girl, well ahead of her peers and I feel she would benefit from a grammar school. Hi all. My DD has a place at Latymer prep for September, looking for any feedback on the school from existing Latymer parents. You need to find out how your target school works based on feedback from the prep school, other parents or a knowledgeable tutor. 13 replies. We live in Winchmore hill and finding the decision quite difficult. Homework is very manageable and not given out for the sake of it. Aug 21, 2015 · It seems to me if your DD is going into Year 8 in another school next month, you have then completely missed the boat as far as entering Latymer is concerned. If you look at the Highgate and Latymer website neither are closed to pupils on the 11+ exam date - they're open. I have been told by parents at Latymer Upper school that the kids from Latymer prep aren't nearly as bright as the kids that enter from other schools at 11+. We are currently struggling to decide which one is the best for DD. I always had the impression that Hampton has been on an upward trend and becomes academically a bit stronger, with higher rankings and better A Level results. Apr 25, 2024 · The Latymer School - opinions please. We live in Hammersmith, and therefore Latymer is much more convenient than Kings. We know she's academically strong but we hadn't given Latymer much serious consideration for a few reasons, mostly because we have excellent state secondaries nearby and DD Apr 13, 2015 · Godolphin & Latymer. Jan 31, 2012 · singersgirl · 01/02/2012 11:21. Godolphin, despite its very academic reputation, is a warm and accepting environment where girls of lots of different types thrive. roses2 · 09/05/2023 21:04. Some schools have bigger bursary pots than others. CanIhaveaCupofTea · 30/03/2023 06:46. Jan 26, 2024 · Waiting for 11+ Independent schools results for 2024 entry (North and Central London) Any parents here whose kids have finished interviews and waiting impatiently for the 9th of February (e. 6 replies. Feb 7, 2021 · Hi moms! Could anyone recommend more schools like Latymer Prep (we aim to Latymer Upper further on) for 7+, ideally co-ed. Wren Enfield is run by same team as the highly successful wren Finchley school. Fortismere had an Ofsted inspection in April and still haven't published results so it's likely they're appealing it. : “finding their corner”. My DD set heart on GL and LCSG. (She got an offer, but we chose to go elsewhere). Bursaries are often funded by alumni donations and are not creamed off from the fees of full paying students. of boy applicants due to 7+ being a main exit point for boys in the area. Bedales and Teddies in Oxford already do this to some extent. Feb 17, 2023 · Hampton vs Latymer Upper - advice please. My dd has been given a place at Latymer prep. However, looking at the leavers' destinations, LU seems to fare much better, with more Oxbridge, more Feb 27, 2014 · Eastpoint · 28/02/2014 05:41. Feb 13, 2018 · Floral2017 · 13/02/2018 21:03. On travel, Highlands is a ten minute walk away, Latymer two buses (but only 3 miles away). Mar 1, 2010 · I trust FT's rankings the most - Latymer Upper came 25th in the independent schools table this year regarding both A level results and GCSE results. I guess if it's a super-selective type school they'd be expecting all the kids to go onto A-levels anyway so aren't worried about losing GCSEs, but what of kids who want to go May 31, 2022 · Every 11+ admission process is different. The thing I really remember is that it's incredibly busy, like an airport, with 6th formers taking parents and Sep 13, 2017 · ChocolateWombat · 14/09/2017 19:12. Newton Prep will prep for all. At the margin, we prefer Co-ed as well. DS did an interview there a few years ago and as far as I recall they were pretty straightforward - a general chat and possibly a few maths questions and a passage to read and answer questions on. Jan 29, 2017 · I am looking for senor schools for my DD. Lots of local families who used to opt for highlands are also choosing the new wren academy in Enfield so its intake will change over time. Important Dates. This seems to involve pupils and the allegations were posted on Instagram. It will be really very helpful if someone can share first hand experiences about the school Jun 4, 2014 · Also if your DD likes extracurricular stuff Latymer has a brilliant range of clubs, it is especially strong on music with a huge range of bands and orchestras for all levels of ability. 55 replies. Shiningsun · 11/02/2023 08:41. I have a child already at Latymer a few years above and although the maths, from memory seemed slightly more manageable it was a May 19, 2022 · Latymer Prep. 29 replies. Oct 29, 2023 · We hope to move him to an independent co-ed day school in London and realised that it is an extremely challenging situation. Sep 13, 2012 · My year 5 son has AS and a full-time statement at our local primary school. DD no 1 had an interview 2 years ago with GL. Apr 25, 2007 · Report. So if nurturing is also measured on attention to each child I would say that probably the smaller the school the better. Yes my child took the Latymer 11+ on Tuesday and came out shellshocked. Unless there is a vacancy arising in Year 9 (which is very, very unlikely and even then your DD has still got to take a competitive test) I would suggest Latymer is not now an option. Jan 26, 2015 · GJHmum1 · 14/02/2015 19:19. Feb 13, 2021 · 2 replies. Nov 6, 2019 · londonista1 · 16/01/2020 17:46. Do you want girls or mixed. Feb 10, 2023 · Hi there, does anyone have experience of being placed on the waitlist at Godolphin & Latymer? Is there hope? Do they tell you where your daughter Jun 6, 2015 · Education. Spring2020 · 29/01/2020 11:02. The Latymer web site actually recommends coaching for state school candidates, so they're not disadvantaged by the competion from the pre-prep coaching factories. solario · 28/04/2021 09:49. St Paul’s 130+ B. So I understand the logistics part and also ensuring only genuine applicants sit the exam but why pick the same date as other schools. Saturday 21 September 2024. Aug 27, 2017 · Gd morning, does anybody know, whether Latymer send out part 2 exam sitting invitations, which supposed to be on 17 September, 2017. My DD has been offered place from HABS girls n Latymer Upper! We like both the schools and confused which one to go for her, she too love both the schools. Add post. Feb 27, 2015 · This is my first post on mumsnet; please be gentle! DS is in his final year of state primary school and is very fortunate to have an offer from Latymer (11+) and a conditional offer from Kings College School (13+). Wednesday 4 December 2024. Feb 13, 2018 · The fact that G&L offers IB is a real plus for some, including those considering University overseas. neuroticnicky · 13/04/2015 23:56. I am new to this forum, and spent last several days reading school reviews about the 11+ schools for DD. In any girls school (and in many mixed as well) classes get changed every year so damaging cliques get limited air time. Feb 6, 2014 · Chocrock · 06/02/2014 21:07. Connect with other parents whose children are starting secondary school on this forum. We are looking for schools with a cosmopolitan demographic, nurturing and with good but not overly strict discipline. Feb 9, 2017 · Godolphyn&Latymer or City of London Girls:which offer to accept? 28 replies. There is no secret. Feb 17, 2019 · The scholarship was only worth 5% though. They are very tough, and yes, it's possible to get into an ultra-competitive top 10 private school and not one of these. Follow topic. Some rich ones will give financial need more weight than just entrance exam results. Latymer. g. All those schools are amazing, but I am particularly torn between Highgate and Latymer Upper. Previously it's been 200 for interview and 150 offers for 55-60 places, although that went wrong a couple of years ago when about 80 accepted and they had to form an extra class (no CLSG-style exploding offers), so maybe they've tightened up a bit. We live in Enfield and are starting to look at schools. lattemerde · 08/12/2023 14:45. We have ruled out SHHS, primarily because we prefer a larger school. At Latymer, it’s pretty often that the top sets are dominated by boys. Feb 16, 2016 · Mulberry10 · 16/02/2016 18:47. It was relaxed, fun, no current events, they asked her Maths and English. In case comparison is of interest: DD got 3 level 5s (b/c) at SATS - she was probably coasting in her (state school) class and got mix of mostly 4A/5c in teacher assessments at end of year 6 - and mostly 4C at end of year 5. , for Highgate/City/Girls Consortium/UCS)? Sep 9, 2017 · hardboiled · 09/09/2017 18:07. Any views on West London schools - particularly NHEHS?? I have heard positive things about Latymer Upp Jan 31, 2024 · Apologies for another school comparison thread! We are a little bit confused, and would greatly appreciate your help. Feb 14, 2024 · Hello everyone We got an offer for both Latymer Upper and Godolphin and we're finding hard to decide Is there anyone here attending these schools w Jan 31, 2015 · Any kindred spirits with DC at Latymer Upper interviews today? Wish we could fast forward to the 13th! Jan 30, 2020 · Latymer Prep won't help you apply to other secondary schools. It all sounds very muddled though with friends of ours getting into final 650 but now being excluded from second round. 36 replies. Like said above, some serious swimmers al national level. The scholarship has really stirred things up for us. HereWeGo2023 · 17/08/2023 06:47. Has definitely been the right choice for those families and the girls have gone from strength to strength. The results are great, but it also seemed like a friendly school with happy students which I liked. Most importantly, a school that is genuine care about the wellbeing of children. Jan 29, 2020 · Latymer Upper. King’s Wimbledon 125+ B (G in VIth) City of London Boys 125+ B. Sep 13, 2023 · Latymer Upper (I'm not really up on private schools so don't know how fancy it is) is planning to ditch GCSEs and create its own assessments to 'free up teaching time'. Feb 13, 2024 · DD got offers from Bute House and Latymer Prep this year but we decided to turn both down and stay at our current state primary school- we would like to nurture her in a familiar and loving community and focus on character building. co-ed secondary private or state school west london for child struggling with mental health 0 30/05/2024 15:31 Feb 11, 2023 · Godolphin & Latymer 2023 waitlist. Their same complaint that although the school is co-ed, it seems to lean firmly to the boys. Henrietta Barnett, Latymer or Dame Alice Owens. The Latymer School strongly encourages applications from new students with a passion for their chosen subjects and welcomes them to our community. Perhaps the prep school popular because it pretty much guarantees entry to the upper school which is hard to get into at 11+? Quote. Apr 28, 2021 · Trying for Latymer Grammar. Obviously the facilities are outstanding but it also seems Jan 18, 2015 · Latymer School, Edmonton 0 replies christinarossetti Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Jul 2, 2021 · Hi, Can anyone recommend a tutor for Latymer school? I've found lots of website which say they specialise in the CEM exams but I believe Latymer use the GL assessment for the maths and set their own exam for English so ideally we need someone who has experience with the Latymer exams. My dd is not phased by it being coed, she genuinely doesn't mind all girls or coed. zq hj mp lu wl ws ff ib hb ta