
How to ask father to marry daughter reddit

  • How to ask father to marry daughter reddit. Oct 6, 2007 · In this short, readable book, Dr. My daughter is starting to ask questions about everything, and There was also a former girl I dated who said she wished her future boyfriend would ask her father first. Omar got married to her while she was young before reaching the age of puberty. (I've gotten hitched with Vasilia instead of Ira that way through the Bitch of the South May 23, 2024 · Films have used this theme to create powerful stories, and the following are on top of the list. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. Write down what you want to say. If you treat his daughter well, that should be enough respect and courtesy. According to a 2015 survey from TheKnot. I would tell the father you have something important to ask him and just go for it. Watch your body language (uncross your arms, sit up straight), and remember to breathe often. I am playing on Medieval Conquest. Make it work for you and your future family! - Don’t forget to mention how great of a job her parents did in raising the woman you love. In the time of Jaahiliyya (pre-Islamic era), one could not marry ones adopted child or the spouse of ones adopted child. You marrying her means that you are taking on that responsibility. Avoid jokes as much as possible. Thus, I didn't ask him for any type of blessing or shit like that from him. "I said that I won't ask another person for permission to marry her. - 0074b507, Feb 25, 2010. A baptizer could not marry a baptizee. Stay calm, stay focused. Reply reply. com more than three-quarters of men ask for permission from their partner's father or parents before they propose. Oct 1, 2019 · Iran recently passed a law allowing men to marry their daughters. I am 30 and he is 35. Get it; read it; use it. I was harboring “more-than-friends” intentions. You're not asking the father for his daughter's hand in marriage. However, the relationship of a confirmation sponsor to the confirmand is not the same as that of a godparent to godchild, so the A: It is permissible for a boy to get married without his father’s consent or permission. tengo permiso casar el blanca. You are wise to recognize that you are not asking him for permission to marry his daughter but that you would like him as her father to be in favor of and supportive of your marriage. Dec 19, 2016 · 7. cue mom's tears, dad's proud smile and happy agreeement! And remember, you're asking for a blessing, not permission. Thoughts in asking her dads permission/blessing to marry daughter. So i don't know what is the problem because of that. Showing Jul 24, 2021 · Tip 5. So my gf and I have been discussing marriage and we both want to marry each other. Young men were more or less free to do as they pleased so there was no need to ask their parents for permission. If you want to be sure, you can ask your fiance if there is any special tradition they hold, altough being Zacatecas a big city it is probably tghat there is nothing special, but ask just to be sure. Sounds like you are talking to her father and asking for an alliance through marriage. There is also a bug when i ask the father so i can visit his daughter he just says: "Jon the Norwegian - personalityclash speech b". I can't say I've ever been in a similar situation, but the second line in the video ("I humbly request your permission to marry your daughter") seems really formal, and more like written than spoken Cantonese. So now some people don't ask at all, or they inform both parents that they plan on marrying their daughter. You can use a similar template branfip82. Schedule a Zoom or phone call if you can’t ask in person. Some men prefer to ask their future in-laws for their blessing rather than to ask for permission. Friesen frames 10 simple questions, the answers to which get at the heart of what a father needs to hear from a prospective son-in-law. In some conservative countries, such as India and Greece, it’s necessary to receive the father’s permission. Keep ‘em. Reply. If asking for the parents’ blessing is a must, then roll with it. Then - don't be too formal. . (E. Roaring_Anubis. Information spread about that law online is outdated, the law Before you speak to her parents though you should ask her first. We have been in an amazing relationship for almost two years. IE “It’s nice we have the chance to talk like this” or “I am an admirer of yours” and pass the proper dialog checks. It's an extremely outdated tradition. Practice in front of a mirror. This solution is 100% effective. Apr 14, 2017 · My boyfriend does not want to marry me. Based on this idea, many of the biblical commentators 4 maintain that Jephthah did not offer his daughter as a sacrifice. But there has been one hang up. " She'll ask questions, and you MUST answer well. In stress-testing the relationship, take pride in your strategic cleverness instead of taking self-protective umbrage. "With my heart, I ask you to love your children. The social standing is that which is defined by the shariah. I think something along the lines of 我好愛你嘅女, 我想一生一世都陪住佢, 希望你哋贊成 You don't need to ask your girlfriends dad to marry her. I would probably be offended if a boyfriend asked my father for permission. Maria is surprised, annoyed Jan 17, 2024 · Of course any variation of, “Will you marry me,” will suffice, but if you really want to blow your partner away experts recommend following these five steps to craft the perfect romantic proposal speech. And at least in my family, is accompanied with a gift. Before administering the Heimlich maneuver, tell him you are marrying his daughter or else you won't save his life. and when i ask her to marry me. Is it (also a) tradition in Germany to ask the father for permission to marry his daughter? May 24, 2018 · Here are why five ladies said they'd definitely want their partners to ask for their parents' blessing in advance, and why four others explained there's no need whatsoever. Traditionally, it was custom to ask the woman’s father for permission to propose to his daughter. Your father’s brother’s daughter is your cousin. ' (إِنَّهَا صَغِيرَةٌ, inna-haa sagheera) Then 'Ali proposed marriage to her and he married her to Well, if you think the groom needs to ask permission to marry your daughter then clearly you‘re talking about vaginas and hearts because marriage is usually about sex and love. I also should have mentioned that I am viewing this more as a blessing than permission. I don't know if it's still socially unacceptable to marry a woman without asking her father or getting her parent's "blessings" first, but it is an unnecessary gesture. Altough not a literal translation: " ¿Me I've got around 65 relations with the father, 50 with the daughter, and yet he still won't let me marry her. I'm asking if you want to be a part of my life. Which the whom they offer is usually random. "Sir, I know that you may not agree with my religious viewpoints, but your daughter and I are very happy together, and Jun 18, 2014 · But before we get to the meaning, let’s get semantics out of the way. He was right. com, which is a fatwa portal May 8, 2022 · Talk to Your Parents. ”. If your parents aren't supportive, begin by exploring why they don't approve of your marriage. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. Aug 24, 2006 · I actually met Grace’s father, Brian, before Grace and I began dating. I think the symbolism is a bit like the father walking the bride down the aisle (which isn't tradition in Sweden but anyway), that the daughter is something given away by the father. 22. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He was on to me from the start. Then, gently acquaint him with My now husband (of ten years, 🥰 I love him so much) didn't ask permission. mor67. I never did it to Angel. "Ich möchte um die Hand Ihrer Tochter anhalten" : this may be some classical approach asking for "the hand" of his daughter. Choose the dialog option that looks like you’re interested. If you had NOT asked his permission at all (as I had advised my boyfriend to do because it's 2015 and I'm nobody's property), her dad will likely get insulted/offended/butthurt that you did not respect him enough to ask his permission to his daughter's hand. (Sort of an expected step before the actual wedding) I also recommend don’t ask her in public unless you are 100% sure of her feelings. Feb 17, 2016 · Instead, acknowledge his desire by saying, “You really would like to marry Mommy. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. If he chokes to death, you won't have to ask him any more. You are the only person that will never give them your back, don't do it. This seems like a very “old world” way of thinking, and I would like to hear some of your experiences/opinions on this, along with the modern standard. It is something you should never do unless a woman has specifically requested it though. In a TikTok video that went viral, a prankster called a woman’s father to ask for her hand in marriage — to say it didn’t go well is an Asking the parents is usually done by setting up a meeting to 'discuss something', and if you've been with the daughter for a while the parents can probably guess what it's all about. It's just a respectful way of keeping them in the loop, involved. Nov 24, 2018 · Really show up to see whether you really want to show up forever. Women with "daddy issues" do not have Jul 27, 2017 · German psychologist Julia Onken proposes that women use three main strategies to obtain love and attention from males 1: 1. Feb 20, 2023 · 1. Speak and act with confidence. Feb 25, 2010 · do i have permission to marry blanca. Careful, now. A genuine compliment can go a long way and will be appreciated for years, even after you say "I do. Controlling who your child marries is controlling their sexuality and love, hence their vaginas and (metaphorical) hearts. You're asking her father for his blessing (essentially asking if he approves). And throw in something about how you will support her. A week ago I proposed to her and she said yes! We are both incredibly happy. Looking to propose within the next 3-4 months so I was planning on asking late December. "Darf ich Ihre Tochter heiraten" - "am i allowed to marry your daughter" or "ich will Ihre Tochter heiraten " -"i want to marry your daughter" are also possible. But ask that, until then, they put an end to marriage talk. First one, then you can do the second with Sora after waiting 3 or so days. "Hi, I was hoping you'd give me permission to marry your daughter" "Well I guess so, just one thing?" "Yes?" "Who is this???" My husband was so nervous and wanted to ask quickly and get it over with that he'd forgotten to tell my father, who he had only met a couple of times, who he was on the phone! You could state, "Mr. And if your immediate response isn't 'tough shit', then I definitely don't. Little boys your age often feel that way. You still can't control her, but it's quite entertaining watching her kick ass as a friendly npc lord if you put the effort to train her. First - make sure you're considering your dynamic and personalities. Nothing fancy, usually just an icebreaker to the conversation. Iran passed a law regarding marriage between parents and children. If she isn't mature enough to decide by herself whether or not she wants to get married, she has no business with me. People use the phrase “daddy issues” to refer to father-daughter relationships that have a negative impact on the way a woman relates to men. But just seeing him was almost enough to scare me off. Asking the family's blessing for marriage can be a tense and expectation-filled time, let alone if your partner's parents are not ideal for what you might Mar 7, 2022 · In the Latin Church, until the 1983 Code took effect on 27 November 1983, spiritual affinity did create an impediment to marriage. (Al-Joharah 2/4) Allah Ta’ala Knows Best. One brother, Grant, said, "Dad would 100 Then, "we'd like to get married and hope you will honour us with your blessing". Almighty Allah corrected this customary practice and even permitted Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi I love your daughter Antoinette, and promise you to keep her happy and safe, may I ask her hand in marriage? You definitely need someone to help you to read this and with the pronunciation. There is one thing I want to do before though; ask her dad for his blessing. It’s a part of being a good daughter or son-in-law. Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of Jan 19, 2015 · Who would’ve thunk it? But along with these situations that are being played out on reality television, I’m reminded of my own. It is very considerate and respectful of you to go to her father with this request. This sounds very formal though. He'll respect your forward ness. Regarding the Canaanites, Moses says: “For every abomination to G‑d which He hates, they did to their gods; for also their sons and their daughters they would sacrifice in fire to their gods. “That guy likes you,” he told his daughter, pointing a heavy finger in my direction. Some people do. And then say, "I want your permission to marry your daughter. Finish with something along the lines of "I ask you for your daughters hand in marriage out of respect for you and your family. Luis also knows that whatever they spend on Maria, they will also have to spend on her sister’s wedding when the time comes. Don’t be afraid to get emotional. Asking for a blessing is more like stating your intentions to the family, and starting off future relations on the right foot with a good measure of respect to the senior member (s), male or female, of her family. She’s the one who knows best how things are done in her culture and her family. This will create some It is 2 different dialogue's to get hitched. Answer Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Jul 25, 2019 · Given your geographical limitations and your girlfriend’s impatience, go for a grand compromise: Set up a phone (or video) date with your prospective in-laws by email. (insert surname here), I love your daughter and would like to formally ask for your permission and blessing to marry her. If your gf knows how to read this then practice with her till you get it right otherwise find someone who speaks Lebanese Arabic that can help you, I'm too Depending on HOW you want to ask you can say. Asking for parents' blessings is not the same as asking for their permission. Aug 24, 2017 · Asking for a father’s permission to marry your SO might seem like an outdated notion to some people, but it is a tradition that is still very much expected in some cultures, and even in some families. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach Sep 26, 2013 · Thu 26 Sep 2013 14. So how do you find out if it’s something you’re supposed to do without blowing the surprise? Here are some steps you should take to get the ball rolling. If it goes south, this is your parting comment as you ride off into the sunset with your love. I am not planning on marrying anytime soon, however I can’t help but be curious. However, it is strongly recommended that he gets his fathers blessings for the nikah because the father might feel hurt if he gets married without the father’s knowledge or consent, and the son will be sinful for Jul 21, 2015 · Instead, he decided to ask all three of Haylee's siblings and write a letter to Haylee's dad. In an explosive tell-all interview with New York Magazine, an 18-year-old dishes… The prospective groom asked for the father's permission because the father was the one that decided whether the daughter was allowed to get married. "May I have your blessing to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage". I thought you’d never ask. He did, however, let my mom and step dad know that he was planning to propose. "Most parents want the best for their child, and I promise you, their attitude If you proceed to marry his daughter anyway, it could be a seen as a sign of disrespect. cjoonh • 11 yr. All three siblings were overjoyed to give their blessing. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. One poster in Reddit’s AITA found himself at odds with his ANSWER. Assuming all goes well, she'll give her blessing. Parliamentarians in Iran have passed a bill to protect the rights of children which includes a clause that allows a man to marry his adopted daughter and while she is as I marry your daughter, you’ll be compensated with half of my estates east of the river. Add ครับผม (krap phom) and wai as necessary. Her family is very old-fashioned and traditional. Still, if she comes from a Ask me for permission, and I'll tell you flat-out no. The commenter said he said "I don't think you understand me. 11 EDT. If you think I'm her owner, then I don't want you marrying her. I’m Latin American too, and my father is a very traditional man. It's a lovely tradition, but make sure your girlfriend or her family wouldn't find it weird. ” 3. Can they marry now if they want to without their parents consent? A: One of the requirements for the nikaah to be valid is that the boy must be of the same social standing. ", or you could grab a bite together for lunch and ask him how he asked for his wife's hand in marriage, then use his story as a template. Aug 18, 2022 · That can mean ditching the white dress, the “giving away” of the bride or asking a paternal figure’s “permission” to propose. On the other hand, I told him 'I love you' even more. Marry her to a powerful clan, and use the positive relation gain from "losing" her to recruit the whole clan to your own kingdom. And I would be honored to be a part of AlluringJay. If it will just be the 2 of you meeting together, this would also be a great Not sure about the exact phrase, but if I had to do it, it would be something like ขออนุญาต (kor anuyat, i ask permission) แต่งงานกับ (teng ngan kap, marry with) <name>. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Helping one’s children marry and find a suitable life-partner is an important parental responsibility. And seeing as you don’t have any sons, or living brothers (I didn’t do anything), my second son will inherit your name and titles. Mufti Ismaeel Bassa. And asking for the parents' opinion on something is fine as long as the final decision is made by the couple. It was not a, "do I have your permission" thing but more of a "hey, heads up, I'm madly in love with your daughter and I'm planning on proposing" thing. Find the partner you want using the encyclopedia and find their location. e. It is OK that you wish you could. You don't. " Aug 14, 2002 · August 14, 2002. I see him as a beta who I myself don't respect much. Blessing implicitly Feb 23, 2021 · Narrated 'Abdullah bin Buraidah: It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Buraidah that his father said: "Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, proposed marriage to Fatimah but the Messenger of Allah said: 'She is young. DefiantMemory9. r/Catholicism A chip A close button A chip A close button Sep 30, 2019 · Everything has a time, everything has its hour and God knows when's the right time,” she said. ago. You’re explaining why you want to marry their daughter, so make them feel like they are a part of that. • 9 yr. I'm planning on asking my girlfriends dad and stepdad for their blessings to marry her but I am super nervous and No, not anymore. This answer was collected from TheMufti. My wife's father said no to her first husband and everyone, including her, wishes she would have listened. Godparents could not marry their godchildren. My FIL was too sick to ask so I asked her brother. With my family there's a pretty big distinction here. Thanks that's what I was thinking. A more recent survey, conducted by JamesAllen. As a 30-year-old man, I can make my own AITA For refusing to ask my FFIL's permission to marry his daughter (my fiance) My GF, well fiance, (28F) and I (29M) have been dating for about 4 years and lived together for 2. Always (wear a GoPro) If she asks for it, it's important for her. Ask him if you can have a talk, and start by telling him why you want to marry her. 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Try not to be nervous. Abu Sa’id and Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with them both) narrate that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Whoever has a child, he should give There is definitely a difference between asking for a blessing and asking for permission. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Glad that you explained it. Jul 14, 2019 · She is counting on Luis to handle this. Oct 17, 2022 · This dad does not support his daughter marrying down. Looking to ask my girlfriend to marry me in the near future. A Thai girl is expected to take care of her parents. Looking for any and all thoughts/advice! Edit: I should have said girlfriend’s father for HER hand. 1. I have a young daughter, and if the day comes I don't expect a person to ask me, ask her she's the one you want to marry. " "As a 21-year-old woman who just recently got married, I believe that it shows respect and honor to a father by a man asking for his permission to marry his daughter. I'm not asking to become a part of your life. 4. I plan on giving it to all my friends who have daughters, as well as to my son (who may get married sooner than I imagine). Jan 15, 2023 · Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF. Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, married his daughter, Um Kulthum to Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, and she mothered a child before the death of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Advice. If he approves, then you've got your permission. Jul 13, 2021 · Key points. Just as you would for a business presentation, acting like you're sure of yourself (without being cocky) is essential. Ask her how she would like you to ask her father, or if there is a set way of doing this that her father would prefer. From that point onn it is up to them how to respond. It is permissible for you to marry your. We moved in together after 11 months of dating and this relationship is How to get married. te quieres casar conmigo. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. My wife would talk shit about him often and he wasn't around much. Keep praying for your children and waiting for Sep 21, 2018 · Then, reassure your parent (s) that when you find someone you really love, they'll be the first to know. For the love of god don't joke around. Plan a coffee date, and get their blessing. Your title seems to say that you want to marry your gf's mom. com Ask your girlfriend what she thinks. As a guy who recently listened to his girlfriend's father tell her on voicemail that I'm a good guy and he likes me, but "he's not good enough for my daughter, because he's not a faith guy," I'd shoot that part down going in. Also, it’s important to know whether she agrees with tradition or not. We've been dating (his daughter, not him) for about 2 years. Asking the dad to marry his daughter. Pamamanhikan is more the formality of her family accepting you. " It sounds like you judged your FIL right. I know he's on board, but want to be a gentleman and ask him before proposing to her (I… Yeah, one of the more memorable Reddit comments I came across was a story like yours, but the father said no. Jan 30, 2009 · If He Wants to Marry My Daughter outlines ten qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law, including trustworthiness, a willingness to lead his family, an understanding of his wife's role, and various spiritual leadership qualities. Award. However, when he was around she liked him. Not at all traditional in Russia to ask this… but here you go: “Name of the girlfriend’s dad, я бы хотел попросить у вас благословения и разрешения жениться на вашей дочери girlfriend’s name“. Pleasing males with their looks and/or their good-girl behavior (“I However, it is not prohibited for a father to marry his son’s mother-in-law or sister-in-law. I think asking for a father's blessing is like "hey I love your daughter and I'm going to ask her to marry me, I hope you're ok with it, but ultimately its not up to you" whereas asking for permission makes it seem like the lady in question is property. This was up from 71% in 2011. Double Dad (2021) ‘Double Dad’ is a Brazilian comedy about 18-year-old Vicenza (Maisa Silva), who decides to track down her biological father after failing to convince her loving mother to reveal his true identity. Yes. Well, that was our third and last date. • 3 yr. He would be pleased to be asked permission to marry me, sure. There are two ways you can initiate. I know fathers that have said no. •. Tell him how important his daughter is to you and how you wish to have a wonderful future together. I know it is customary to ask the father first. Make eye contact with her parents while talking and listening. Hence, it will be permissible for a father to marry his son’s sister-in-law i. First question is are you asking for… Jun 21, 2017 · The study found that 77% of men asked for either the bride's father's or both parents' permission before proposing. Thanks for all the comments! Jan 19, 2015 · A Great Lakes teen’s love for her father is allegedly taking her down the aisle — with him as her groom. Such a nikah (marriage) will be valid. Importantly it establishes that you are going to ask her with or without their blessing (since they don't own her) but that you would really like to do it with their blessing. There are traditions regarding asking the father of one’s beloved for her hand in marriage; however, these are almost ancient history at this point. Because asking the father for permission to marry his daughter comes from the idea that the daughter, (a grown adult woman) is the property of her father and is to be handed off like cattle from father to future son-in-law. his daughter-in-law’s sister. She might feel pressured to say yes just to save face. g: "Your daughter and I have been dating for a long I think it depends on your girlfriend's relationship with her father. Sure, if they're paying for the wedding then I can see why they'd have a say in it, but it is 2019 and people are more Answer. Except you can't marry her in jail. hj kc qk dv ka cn se jl nm ic